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How to get better at Fortnite?

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Posts: 8
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I've been playing Fortnite for a few months now and I'm really enjoying the game, but I feel like I've hit a skill plateau. I'm looking for advice from experienced Fortnite players on how to take my game to the next level.Some specific areas I'd love tips on:

  • Strategies for better building/editing during build fights
  • Aiming/tracking tips to improve my shooting accuracy
  • When to be aggressive vs playing more passive
  • Effective ways to practice and train specific skills
  • Must-know tips/tricks that helped you git gud

I play on PC if that matters for any advice. I typically place around the top 25 in solo matches but struggle to get wins consistently.Any suggestions on training routines, gameplay strategies, keybinds/settings, streamer guides to watch, etc. would be really appreciated! Let me know what helped you break through to become a better player.Thanks in advance for any advice!

Posted : 19/06/2024 11:22 am
Posts: 21
Member Admin

Practice building in Creative Mode and use aim trainers like Aim Lab.

Be aggressive with an advantage, passive when weak.

Do daily drills and watch replays to learn.

Optimize your settings and watch pros like Tfue for tips.

Keep practicing and stay patient.

Posted : 19/06/2024 11:24 am