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What's the Story Behind the Blue Emoji Meme?

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Posts: 8
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Hey everyone,I've been seeing a lot of blue emoji memes lately and I'm curious about their origin and meaning.

Can anyone explain where this trend started and what it's all about? Any examples or favorite blue emoji memes are also welcome!

Posted : 19/06/2024 11:18 am
Posts: 21
Member Admin

The blue emoji meme, also known as Bluemoji, started as a custom set of blue-colored stickers created by artist Tanya Mau in 2011. These emojis gained popularity on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram around 2015. They became viral reactions and meme material, especially the Cookie Muncher and Holding It In emojis.

The Cookie Muncher emoji, for instance, is often used to express awkwardness. These emojis saw a resurgence in 2021, spreading widely on platforms like TikTok and Twitter.

Got any favorite blue emoji memes?

Posted : 19/06/2024 11:18 am