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Who is the strongest anime character of all time?

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Posts: 9
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I'm curious to get people's opinions on who they think is the most powerful anime character ever depicted across all anime series. There are a lot of contenders with crazy abilities and power levels.Some that come to mind are characters like: 🙂

  • Goku (Dragon Ball series)
  • Saitama (One Punch Man)
  • Zeno (Dragon Ball Super)
  • Giorno Giovanna (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
  • Yhwach (Bleach)

But I'm sure there are plenty of other ridiculously overpowered characters I'm forgetting or don't know about.What are your picks for the absolute strongest anime character in terms of raw power, hax abilities, being nigh-unstoppable etc.? Interested to hear different perspectives and reasoning behind your choices. Let me know your thoughts! And please use spoiler tags if referencing major plot points from series.

Posted : 19/06/2024 11:33 am
Posts: 21
Member Admin

Saitama from One-Punch Man is the strongest anime character ever.

He can beat anyone with one punch. He’s super strong, fast and can’t get hurt. Even characters who can destroy planets are weak compared to him. Saitama is meant to be the most powerful character that can’t be beaten.

Posted : 19/06/2024 11:34 am