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How to create Roblox Clothing?

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Posts: 1
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Hi everyone!

I'm really interested in creating some unique clothing items for my Roblox avatar, but I'm not sure where to start. I have some basic experience with digital art and design, but I've never created anything specifically for Roblox before.

Could someone please provide me with a step-by-step guide or some helpful tips on how to create custom shirts, pants, hats, or other clothing items for my avatar? I'd love to learn about the required file formats, dimensions, and any recommended software or tools.

Additionally, if there are any specific subreddits or online communities dedicated to Roblox clothing creation, I'd appreciate if you could share those as well. I'm eager to learn from experienced creators and potentially collaborate on future projects.

Thank you in advance for your guidance! I'm excited to unleash my creativity and personalize my Roblox experience.

Posted : 19/06/2024 11:36 am
Posts: 21
Member Admin

To create Roblox clothing, use tools like Blender, Customuse, or Pixlr.

Download templates from Roblox, design your clothing, and upload it.

For help, check out r/Roblox and r/RobloxDev.

Posted : 19/06/2024 11:36 am