Pokemon Sword/Shield Live Player Count

49,164 Players Online

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The more popular a game is, the more frequently the number of players online can change as new players start and others end their gaming session. Special announcements by Game Freak, the game developer, or tournaments by famous players can affect how many people are playing Pokemon Sword/Shield right now.

The number of active players you see above is the closest estimate of how many people are playing Pokemon Sword/Shield all over the world in real-time; this figure is estimated using our Gohost Network Protocol technology, otherwise known as GNP.

About Pokemon Sword/Shield

Pokemon Sword Shield

This title is a role-playing game published for Nintendo and released on the Nintendo Switch. It is generation eight of the Pokemon series, released in November 2019.

The game follows a Pokémon trainer aiming to become a new champion of the Galar region. Your goal is to become the Pokémon League Champion with other Gym Leaders.

You also have to deal with Team Yell along with 81 new Pokémon characters. 13 regional variants of currently existing Pokémon with open-world camera movement has raid battles.

Expansion packs titled The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra will be released in 2020. Several improvements in quality of life, creature design, and streamlined encounters are included. The title has become one of the fastest-selling Switch games, with over 4,000,000 units sold in the US and Japan alone. More About Pokemon Sword/Shield.

Top Countries Playing Pokemon Sword/Shield

Top Countries Playing Pokemon Sword Shield

Below you will find stats on the top five countries by active daily participation.

United States of America United States – 28.45%

Brazil Brazil – 8.45%

France France – 6.20%

Spain Spain – 4.32%

Canada Canada – 3.94%

Pokemon Sword Shield Player Count
Image Credit: Game Freak