Minecraft Earth Live Player Count

20,211 Players Online

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The more popular a game is, the more frequent the number of players online can change as new players start and others end their gaming session. Special announcements by Mojang, the game developer, or tournaments by famous players can affect how many people are playing Minecraft Earth right now.

The number of active players you see above is the closest estimate of how many people are playing Minecraft Earth all over the world in real time; this figure is estimated using our Gohost Network Protocol technology, otherwise known as GNP.

About Minecraft Earth

Minecraft Earth

Initially created by Swedish game developer Markus Persson, the game is now actively developed by Mojang and published by Xbox Game Studios. Moving from versions that keep you inside, this newest version, currently in closed beta, is an augmented-reality game similar to the way Pokemon Go works.

The augmented reality sandbox mobile game was first announced on May 17, 2019. It will be available as a free-to-play game on Android and iOS smartphones and downloadable from the respective App Stores from Google Play and Apple.

Anticipation is building as the block world comes alive with physical objects such as trees and lakes under AR Simulation instead of 2D worlds on a computer screen. In addition, real-world support is provided with information from OpenStreetMap for map information and integration on the Microsoft Azure platform.

A closed beta was released during the Summer of 2019, and Microsoft plans to release the game in a gradual rollout with multiplayer mobile gameplay. More About Minecraft Earth.

Top Countries Playing Minecraft Earth

Top Countries Playing Minecraft Earth

Below you will find stats on the top five countries by active daily participation.

United States of America United States – 25.91%

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Kingdom – 5.16%

Brazil Brazil – 4.59%

Russia Russia – 4.01%

Germany Germany – 3.07%

Minecraft Earth Live Player Count
Image Credit: Mojang Synergies AB