Secret World Server Status – Is Secret World Down?

What is the current Secret World Server Status? Check the latest Secret World Server Status server outages and problems here. Read on!

Secret World Server Status

How to Check Secret World Server Status?

Staying informed about the server status ensures a seamless gaming experience in the Secret World. The official server status page is the primary source for real-time updates. This page details server availability, scheduled maintenance, and gameplay issues.

For more community-driven insights, the game’s official social media channels and community forums are invaluable resources. Here, players and developers frequently share updates, workarounds for everyday issues, and announcements that might not yet be reflected on the official status page.

Besides the official page, alternative methods for checking the server status include monitoring Secret World’s social media profiles on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. These platforms often have the most immediate updates during outages.

Additionally, community forums such as Reddit and the official game forums host player discussions, where individuals share their experiences and solutions to common problems, providing a broader view of the game’s status.

Is Secret World Down?

Secret World Legends (SWL) servers are not currently down and appear operational. However, the large gap between our previous interaction and this current request (February 21, 2024) makes it worth double-checking the server status again.

Secret World Down

How to Change the Secret World Server?

Unfortunately, in Secret World Legends (SWL), you cannot directly choose a specific server to play on. While there are different “dimensions” within the game, these are not separate servers and players within the same region will be automatically placed together regardless of dimension.

Common Secret World Server Issues

There are a few common Secret World server issues that players may experience. These include:

  • Connection problems: If you are having trouble connecting to the game, you may need to check your internet connection. You can also try restarting your router or modem.
  • Login problems: If you are having trouble logging in to the game, you may need to check your account information. You can also try resetting your password.
  • Game crashes: If the game is crashing, you may need to update your graphics drivers or reinstall the game.

Common Secret World Server Issues


Secret World continues to captivate players with its unique myth, legend, and conspiracy blend. Keeping abreast of server status and understanding how to manage common issues can significantly enhance the gameplay experience.

Players are encouraged to utilize official and community-driven resources for current updates and support.


What is the difference between Secret World and Secret World Legends?

Secret World Legends is a relaunch of the original Secret World game, featuring updated graphics, a revamped combat system, and a more streamlined questing experience.

While both games share the same universe and storyline, Legends offers a more accessible entry point for new players with its improvements and free-to-play model.

Is Secret World free to play?

Secret World Legends operates on a free-to-play model, allowing players to experience the game without an upfront purchase. However, optional in-game purchases can enhance the gaming experience through additional content, cosmetic items, and convenience features.

What are the system requirements for Secret World Legends?

The system requirements for Secret World Legends include a Windows 7 SP1 or newer OS, an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom X3 2.4GHz or equivalent, 3 GB RAM, and an NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or ATI Radeon HD 3850 with 512MB of VRAM.

These requirements ensure a smooth gaming experience on most modern PCs.

What languages are available for Secret World Legends?

Secret World Legends is available in several languages, including English, French, and German, to accommodate a global player base. This multilingual support reflects the game’s international appeal and community.

How can players resolve technical issues in Secret World?

Players facing technical issues in Secret World are advised to first consult the game’s official support page for troubleshooting guides and contact options.

Additionally, community forums and social media channels can be excellent sources for advice and solutions from fellow players who may have experienced similar issues.