Darkness In The Light Destiny 2: The Ultimate Guide To Unlocking The Exotic Malfeasance Hand Cannon

By Alex╺

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Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 is a quest that offers players an opportunity to earn the Malfeasance Exotic Hand Cannon, one of the most coveted weapons in the game.

This guide breaks down each step of the quest, providing you with detailed instructions and handy tips to help you overcome each challenge. We’ll start with a brief overview of the quest and then explore each task.

What is the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 Quest?

The Darkness in the Light is a multi-step quest in Destiny 2 that rewards the player with the Malfeasance Exotic Hand Cannon upon completion.

The quest presents a series of challenges that test players’ skill in various aspects of the game, from defeating bosses to performing well in Gambit matches. Understanding each step of the quest is crucial to successfully completing it and reaping the rewards.

How to Complete the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 Quest: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step 1: The Seething Heart. Firstly, the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest is triggered by defeating a Primeval Servitor, the Ascendant Primeval Servitor, in Gambit, a PVE and PVP hybrid mode. Upon defeating the Servitor, players will receive The Seething Heart quest item.
  • Take this item to the Drifter in the Tower to begin the quest officially.
  • Step 2: City of Secrets. The next task requires you to defeat 25 Taken bosses or minibosses in the Dreaming City. These enemies can be found in various activities within the Dreaming City, such as the Blind Well, Lost Sectors, and Public Events.
  • Step 3: The Corrupted. After eliminating the Taken bosses, you will be required to complete a unique version of The Corrupted Strike. This Strike is much more challenging than the regular one, with a higher power level requirement and more formidable enemies.
  • Step 4: Depleted Weapon Core. Upon completing The Corrupted Strike, you will receive the Depleted Weapon Core. Deliver this to the Drifter in the Tower to proceed to the next step.
  • Step 5: Business As Usual. In this stage, you will need to win 10 Gambit matches and deposit 400 motes. Winning Gambit matches requires good teamwork and strategy, while depositing motes involves collecting them from defeated enemies and depositing them into your team’s bank.
  • Step 6: Lights Out. Here comes a challenging task. You need to kill four enemy Guardians in one invasion or defeat four Guardians in one invasion three times. This can be achieved by invading the enemy’s side during a Gambit match and defeating the enemy Guardians before they can kill you.
  • Step 7: Dark Weapon Core. Finally, after successfully completing the Lights Out step, return to the Drifter one last time to receive the Dark Weapon Core, and with it, the Malfeasance Exotic Hand Cannon.

Tips and Tricks for Completing the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 Quest

Here are some additional tips that can help you overcome the challenges of the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest:

  • Teamwork is Key: Whether it’s defeating Taken bosses or winning Gambit matches, teamwork plays a crucial role in completing the quest. Communicate with your team members and strategize together to overcome the challenges.
  • Use Suitable Weapons and Gear: Different stages of the quest may require different weapons and gear. For example, during the Gambit matches, a good PVP weapon can help you take down enemy Guardians more efficiently.
  • Patience and Practice: The quest is not meant to be easy and may require multiple attempts, especially for tasks like Lights Out. Do not get discouraged if you fail at first. Practice makes perfect!
  • Use Subclasses Wisely: Your choice of subclass can greatly affect your performance in the quest. For instance, if you main Hunter, the Arc subclass can be extremely useful when invading during Gambit matches.

Why is the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 Quest Important?

Completing the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest is an exciting journey, and to keep your progress uninterrupted, keeping tabs on Destiny 2’s server performance is beneficial for a seamless experience. It also provides players with an opportunity to improve their skills in various aspects of the game, such as boss battles, Gambit matches, and even invasions.

Plus, the sense of achievement from completing such a challenging quest is a reward in itself!


The Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest is a challenging yet rewarding journey that tests your mettle in various aspects of the game.

While it can be daunting, with the right preparation, teamwork, and strategy, you can successfully complete the quest and earn the coveted Malfeasance Exotic Hand Cannon. Happy gaming!


What is the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest?

The Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest is a multi-step quest that rewards players with the Malfeasance Exotic Hand Cannon upon completion. It involves various challenges testing players’ skills in different aspects of the game.

How do I start the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest?

The Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest is triggered by defeating the Ascendant Primeval Servitor in Gambit. Upon defeating the Servitor, you will receive The Seething Heart quest item. Take this item to the Drifter in the Tower to officially begin the quest.

What are the requirements for completing the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest?

The requirements for completing the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest include defeating Taken bosses, completing a unique version of The Corrupted Strike, winning Gambit matches, and more. Each step has its own specific objectives that need to be fulfilled.

Are there any recommended strategies for completing the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest?

Yes, teamwork is crucial throughout the quest. Communicate and strategize with your team members to overcome challenges.

Additionally, using suitable weapons and gear, practicing patience, and choosing the right subclass can greatly help in completing the quest.

What are the rewards for completing the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest?

The main reward for completing the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest is the Malfeasance Exotic Hand Cannon. Additionally, completing the quest provides an opportunity to improve your skills in different aspects of the game.

Can I replay the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest?

Yes, once you have completed the quest, you can replay it on other characters or help other players who are also attempting to complete it.

Are there any hidden secrets or easter eggs in the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest?

While the quest itself doesn’t have any hidden secrets or easter eggs, the world of Destiny 2 is filled with secrets and surprises. Exploring the game world may lead you to discover hidden treasures and lore.

Can I complete the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest solo?

Yes, it is possible to complete the quest solo, although certain steps may be more challenging without the assistance of a fireteam. It’s recommended to form a fireteam or seek help from other players if needed.

Is the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest time-limited?

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest is not time-limited. However, it’s always a good idea to check for any updates or changes made to the quest in the game.

Can I obtain the Malfeasance Exotic Hand Cannon through other means besides the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest?

No, the Malfeasance Exotic Hand Cannon can only be obtained by completing the Darkness in the Light Destiny 2 quest. It is a unique reward exclusive to this quest.