Bamboozle Review: What is Bamboozle

By Alex╺

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Baamboozle Review
Community Ratings★★★★☆Subjects OfferedClassroom Management
Privacy Ratings★★★☆☆PricingFree
Learing Effectiveness★★★★☆Supported PlatformsWeb

What is Bamboozle?

Students can play without their own device.Teachers can make games that suit what they need.A lot of quizzes and showing questionsThe filters for looking at published games don’t really help.

How Can I Teach With Bamboozle

Teachers need to know that Baamboozle lets students play in teams, not alone. Teams choose a question, answer together, and teachers can say if it’s right. 

They can use group quizzes to see if everyone gets it, review things, or check what students know before starting new stuff. But, they won’t see how each student does. If they want to teach with the quizzes, they can show questions as slides or let groups study on their own. Quizzes can be an enjoyable way to start a new class or have a friendly competition with students working together. 

Check the guides for teachers and users to get tips on setting rules and using quizzes. You can search through collections by question count or posting date, or create your own quiz. There are many languages available, but only English games were seen during review, even after selecting other languages. 

Before using a quiz, teachers should check it to make sure it’s suitable for their class; if not, they can modify it. Teachers could also have small groups of students make quizzes to share with the class.

How Good Bamboozle Is For Learning?

Engagement★★★☆☆Fast and fun competitions make the regular classroom routine more enjoyable. Putting students into teams can also shake things up. The visuals seem a bit busy.
Easy To Use★★★☆☆The content posted has many different types and teachers can make different things, but it might not make students think deeply. There are options like slideshows and studying to help students look at the material again.
Support★★★☆☆Teachers find guidance from blogs and instructional guides. They lack tools to monitor student progress aside from organizing and saving quizzes.